life in a day: posters
Two different poster designs have been found in copies of the album.
Both were used to advertise the album in the press. The A4 (21cm x 30cm) ‘red-eye’ poster (above left) was simply a head shot of Jim -
an image first appearing on
1978 on concert posters and tickets, but it wasn’t until the Life In A Day era that
Jim's eyes were coloured red. Another version exists but without the album, single and
copyright information.
The album sleeve poster (above right) is much bigger (41cm x 59cm) and was folded to be inserted in the sleeve.
other 'red eyes'
Whilst not associated with the album, this seems a good place to look at the 'red eye' design in general.

This concert poster (above, original size unknown) for the Grangemouth gig, a sketch of the ‘red eye’ design, neglects
the later eye colouring but shows the image was being used in 1978.
This ‘red eye’ (above left, 34cm x 46cm) was framed and displayed in Bruce’s office. Again, the eyes aren’t coloured red, and the image
itself is home-made, comprising of two pieces of paper. It’s assumed this is the original from which
the others are copies.
The red-bordered ‘red eye’ (above right, 36cm x 57cm) was hand rolled, extremely fragile, the ink highly soluble. It's probably a tour
poster. Again, it lacks the red eye colouring associated with the Life In A Day period.
Of course, nothing is really simple in the Simple Minds world. This 'red-eye' (36cm x 58.5cm) (on the left) appears to be the professional version from which
the tour poster was produced, but additionally it has red eyes. The advert on the right is a further version: it was probably produced around
the time of the album's release (as shown by the different font) and was the basis for the red-eye album poster (which added single and
album text to the base of the image). (Thanks to Clive for the advert on the right).
Other images and styles were used to advertise the album. This advert appeared in Sounds on the 26th May, 1979, just
before the second UK tour.
And finally, this section is finally complete with the 'Red Eye' badge. Available at the
second UK tour and in the
album's press release, the eyes and Simple Minds
logo would appear red depending on the angle viewed.