dream giver redux is the successor to the popular unofficial Dream Giver website. Over the next couple of
years, I shall take pages off Dream Giver, update, upgrade and upload them here.
redux is Latin for rebirth or renewal.
Unless otherwise stated, I own every record in the discography. Therefore you can be sure that everything
reported there is accurate.
A website of this size, complexity and stature, has to be taken one step at a time. That’s why I’m working
from year to year, rather than section by section.
Many thanks to:
Massimo Babini,
Ben Barclay,
Erwin van Eikenhorst,
Bruce Findlay,
Derek Forbes,
Patrik Friberg,
Alwa Glebe,
Paul Halfacre,
Simon Hayward, Clive Johnson,
Steve Mackie,
Brian McGee,
Mick MacNeil,
John Pottage,
Eilidh Smith, Shaun Tranter, Paul Wright and
Ticket Collector.

Left: This is just some of the collection, which forms the backbone of the website.
The old midi tower is a Philips FCD 563, which I originally purchased back in 1986 to listen to my first CD - New Gold Dream (81,82,83,84).
Nowadays, everything gets blasted out through the Arcam, but I'm nostalgic for this old beast.
The Revox A77 was purchased in 2001 so I could listen to Simple Minds reel-to-reel demo tapes. Therefore those who complain that they have
to buy a record player to listen to old B-sides drive me nuts.
simon cornwell