- Four months after the release of Cry, the situation had changed completely. It appeared
Eagle had lost all faith in the album, despite a popular and well attended tour. The final
Simple Minds Eagle single release in the UK smacked of a palty contractural obligation.
- Even the timing of the single was odd, only being coincidental with the end of the European tour.
- Initially it looked like Spaceface and
Disconnected were in the running as the second single. An ultra rare coupling of
the two tracks on an ultra rare Eagle CDR acetate with unique artwork suggested that the record
company were still not sure of which track to release.

- Whilst the artwork was extremely striking (and far better than the eventual packing-case shot), it was based on the
Spaceface page illustration in the Cry CD booklet.
(Long term fans should recognise the original artwork as originating from the Scotland Rocks For Kosovo gig, originally used for Travelling Man #3 and
the Toorkwaz website thus put it firmly in the Our Secrets Are The Same period.)
- With Spaceface finally decided upon, the lone bonus track picked was
New Sunrise, an acoustic reworking of
New Sunshine Morning recorded for the Billy Sloan show
and broadcast on the 14th April 2002.
- A proposed remix of the title track by Liquid People (of Monster fame) failed to appear.
- But this wasn't the end of Spaceface story as Absolutely Records commissioned
several new remixes and issued them themselves later in the year.
