It's been a heck of a long time since the last new Simple Minds material was released. In that time, a lot of fads
have come and gone... On February 6th, after what seems like an interminable wait, that silence is broken. AN EP of new songs, produced
by Stephen Lipson and Trevor Horn is released - the first
of much activity planned by the band over the next two years.
Collectively entitled the Ballad Of The Streets EP, it comes initially in 12", CD and
cassete formats featuring:- Belfast Child - a new song based on the traditional Irish
air She Moved Through The Fair. It combines the beautiful melody of the traditional with
the haunting voice of the modern. Also featured is the already popular Mandela Day,
the song the band wrote especially for last years' Mandela Day Concert which became the
events' theme song.
The third, but by no means last track, is Biko, the hard-hitting song written by
Peter Gabriel and given a faithful-in-spirit treatment.
Put the three together and it's a pretty strong package all told!
The band are currently putting the finishing touches to their forcoming studio album, at their highland studio. Due out in
April, its working title Street Fighting Years, has since become its title proper. And all
this is just for starters!
1989 is the beginning of an exciting new chapter in Simple Minds' history. This year alone will see a new album, lots of
singles and a world tour taking in lots of special gigs in unusual locations.
The spirit of the EP signals the way ahead with a strength, passion and fire second to none. It can only get better from hereon!
Catalogue numbers: | 12" EP | SMXT 3 | 12" single |
| Cassette | SMXC 3 |
| CD | SMXCD 3 | CD Single |