"Mark Taylor. Keyboards and guitar. Born 3 January 1956 in Newcastle. The latest recruit has always played
music for the excitement and creativity, and enjoys playing live the best. To Mark Simple Minds
stands for a true spirit and passionate honesty in music. His first band was Oasis and he
has played since for Lords Of The New Church, The Alarm,
Sinead O'Conner, Lomax. He listens to and is influenced by Art Tatum,
Thelonious Monk, Bill Payne, Dr. John."
"His ambition is to stay happy. A keen sport fan he likes to keep fit. Judging from his list of favourite
films, his idea of heaven would be seeing Robert De Niro in a film by
Martin Scorsese with George C. Scott and
Jack Nicholson as support. Failing that, a copy of "The Lace Maker", "Fitzcarraldo",
"Goodfellas", "Harvey" or "The Big Chill" would make a welcome gift."
Real Life Tour Programme
Mark was Simple Minds' live keyboard player for the 1990s. He was asked back into the band
for the three Black And White Tours when
Andy Gillespie was unavailable.
family tree
Simple Minds #17
Simple Minds #19
Simple Minds #21
Simple Minds #23
Simple Minds #25
Simple Minds #32
Simple Minds #33
live appearances
Real Life Tour 1991
US Christmas Shows 1994
Good News From The Next World Tour 1995
Festival Tour 1997
Night Of The Proms 1997
Neapolis Tour 1998
Scotland Rocks For Kosovo 1999
Intimate Tour 2005
Black And White Tour 2006
Australian Tour 2007