Virgin THEME 3
THEME-3 11
Picture CD included in Themes Volume One box set.
release date
September 1990
additional information
Love Song was issued as a taster for the forthcoming
Sons And Fascination and
Sister Feelings Call albums. Both tracks were again
finished for the single as the album recording sessions had become chaotic with the band
attempting to record and finish far too much material for the time allotted.
The rushed nature of the recordings also affected the single's release. The extended version of Love Song promised on
the sleeve eventually became the album version; This Earth That You Walk Upon,
hurriedly recorded for the single was unfinished, and a lyric was added later.
Unfortunately this also affected the Theme with Virgin using the album take of
This Earth That You Walk Upon instead of the instrumental.
This was corrected for the subsequent pressings of the Theme, but meant an important bonus track was
missing from the original Themes Volume.
Instead of selecting another track from either Sons And Fascination or
Sister Feelings Call for the Theme,
Virgin spoiled the integrity of the release by simply randomly picking
Life In A Day as the bonus track. (Although I suspect it allowed
Virgin to promote the Life In A Day album through the Theme's
sleeve notes).