Virgin JBV 267
VIN 45145 N-A FS 15-5-85//JBV-267-B 13-5-85 FS 15-5-85
7" with colour paper labels in a custom colour wraparound sleeve.
release date
May 1985
additional information
This Italian promo uniquely coupled Simple Minds' Don't You (Forget About Me) with
Alberto Solfrini's Se Le Canti Un Boogie.
The common version of this single was a standard jukebox edition. These were housed in a simple plain-white die-cut sleeve
with the jukebox sticker on the front. Far rarer were copies sent out by the Sales Promotion Service for radio play:
these included the same 7" record now housed in a custom colour sleeve with a bold band picture on the front.
Both versions are now extremely rare.