this is your land german 12" (label)
Virgin 612 240-213
DM612240 A-1/3-89 A 1//DM616240 B-1/3-89
12" with grey paper labels with full colour sleeve.
release date
April 1989
Made in Scotland
Sleeve by Assorted iMaGes
Photography by Guido Harari, Lawrence Watson, NASA/Science Photo Library
additional information
The German edition was almost the same as the UK standard 12" except for a red border around the cover of the sleeve. Thanks to its
glossy card sleeve, mint copies should still be plentiful.

this is your land german cd (label)
Virgin 662 240-211 (SMXCD4)
662240221-11 A2
CD with black typed labels with colour sleeve in slimline jewelcase.
release date
April 1989
Made in Scotland
Sleeve by Assorted iMaGes
Photography by Guido Harari, Lawrence Watson, NASA/Science Photo Library
additional information
The German CD single was a fully fledged 5" CD instead of the fiddly 3" CD released in the UK. Mint copies are still plentiful today.
There are two very slight variations with one including the extra text: "Lou Reed appears courtesy of Sire Records WEA Records".
