- Jean Shrimpton, arguably the first supermodel, rose to fame in the 1960s. She unwittingly caused a great
deal of controversy at the Derby Day (30th October 1965) in Australia when she wore a white shift dress (which exposed her
knees), no hats, stockings or gloves - the delicate Australians having never seen a mini-skirt before.
- It made the tabloids with The Sun (Melbourne) publishing the photograph on its front page on the 1st November.
- The event immortalised by a sketch - simply titled “Jean Shrimpton Knees” (1965).
- Arista's head of business affairs
Robert White had this picture hanging in his office, and after spotting it,
Jim wanted it for the
Chelsea Girl single - even though
Bruce had already commissioned artwork. But the singer prevailed and a
modified Jean Shrimpton picture graced the sleeve.
- The commissioned painting eventually got 'lost' - much to Bruce's annoyance!
