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good news from the next world lp: 1st proof cromalin

This water-damaged Cromalin shows the original colour design for the LP labels which were eventually rejected.

It was printed on the 7th September 1994.

Cromalin front

good news from the next world lp: line boards

What follows are line-boards for the artwork of the album. Picture and logos all have names so the following is the full list:

Orange marbled background: ALBA (Calendar Pages 1+2)
Vertical grooved wood: Trannie 1 (CD Booklet page 2)
Jim in background, Charlie in foreground and out of focus: Trannie 14 (CD Booklet page 7 and 8)
Jim in foreground, Charlie in background: P1B (Calendar Pages 1+2)
Simple Minds logo in white paint on hessian cloth: Trannie B (CD Booklet page 2, CD Inlay Reverse)
Charlie with Indian boys: Print 9 (CD Booklet page 11)
Gold logo (as found on the front cover): Squiggle. (CD Booklet page 1, LP Labels)
Trefoil symbol: Squiggle. (CD Inlay/CD Disc), Claggdach. (Calendar Pages 3+6)
Boxed Simple Minds logo: Minds Logo (CD Inlay/CD Disc, LP Labels); ALBLOGO (Calendar Pages 1+2)

good news from the next world lp: lp labels line board

This line board features the artwork for the LP labels of the album.

It isn't the final artwork and features some major colour differences.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "Good News From The Next World. 12" Labels. Two Colours. Virgin."

Line board tracing paper overlay
The colours are different and would've featured the yellow and green colour scheme which was reused for the Instore Promo CD.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.

The layout of the label is the same as the final commercial label except
the PM code is incorrect, the "Made In The UK" information is missing
and the publishing rights haven't been added.

good news from the next world lp: cd booklet line board

This line board features the artwork for the 12 page CD booklet for the album.

It isn't the final artwork and features some subtle differences.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "12 Page CD Booklet. Five colour. Virgin."

On the back flap (not pictured) are faded copies of two FAXes sent from designer Stuart Mackenzie
to Steve (presumably someone at Virgin). The first, dated 5th September 1994, states:

"Enclosed are changes for the Simple Minds album."

"On the CD pages 6+7 (lyric pages) both base colours change from black to
one blue and one orange. Titles of these pages also change. Lyrics still W/O.

"On the LP inner bag the base colour on which the lyrics are is blue.
The titles orange and the lyrics W/O.

"On the cassette the lyric side base colour is blue, the titles orange and copy W/O."

In the end these changes weren't made and the backgrounds remained black.
The second FAX is a reproduction of the CD pages 6+7.

Line board tracing paper overlay
The back cover of the booklet was originally going to be plain green with a black Simple Minds boxed logo.
The colour was eventually used for the Instore Promo CD. Note also that the "trefoil" symbol is upside down.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.

The publishing copyright and Shadowlands information are missing.
Therefore this suggests they were added at the last minute.

good news from the next world lp: cd inlay/cd disc line board

This line board features the artwork for the CD inlay and CD for the album.

It isn't the final artwork and features some major colour differences.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "Good News From The Next World. CD Inlay / CD Disc. Virgin."

Line board tracing paper overlay
The colours are different and would've featured the yellow and green colour scheme which was reused for the Instore Promo CD.
The "Squiggles", or trefoils, are the right way up and the catalogue numbers (see below) have been corrected.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.

The layout of the CD is the same as the final commercial CD except
the "Made In Holland" text is missing and the catalogue number
is incorrectly given as "CDV 2780".

The back cover design is the same except for the bar-code information and the same, incorrect catalogue number.

good news from the next world lp: cd inlay reverse line board

This line board features the artwork for the CD inlay reverse for the album.

This appears to be the final artwork.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "Good News From The Next World. CD Inlay Reverse. Virgin."
It has also been signed by Jim.

Line board tracing paper overlay
This is the final version of the artwork and the trefoil logo is now the right way up.
The note refers to Trannie B which is the white painted print on the hessian cloth - this is upside down by choice.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.
This is the final version of the artwork.

good news from the next world lp: calendar pages 1-2 line board

This line board features the artwork for pages 1 and 2 of the promotional calendar.

This appears to be the final artwork.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "Calendar 1995 6 Page 4 Colour Pages 1+2."

Line board tracing paper overlay
Printing options, transparancies and colours are all annotated in blue ink.
Most of the transparancies refer back to the album and CD versions of the artwork.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.
This is the final version of the artwork.

good news from the next world lp: calendar pages 3-6 line board

This line board features the artwork for pages 3 and 6 of the promotional calendar.

This appears to be the final artwork.

The artwork was created by sticking plastic transparancies onto the line board over which a piece of tracing paper is annotated with further artwork, colours and printing instructions. The last, final page is the blue cover with a custom Stylorouge title sticker.

Line board front cover
The sticker states "6 Page Calendar 4 Col Pages 3/6."

Line board tracing paper overlay
Printing options, transparancies and colours are all annotated in blue ink.
Most of the transparancies refer back to the single and album artwork.

Line board backing
This is made of multiple pieces of transparent plastic some of which are stuck
to the back of the line board and some which are taped on top.
This is the final version of the artwork.