SM85 A//SM 85
Black vinyl LP with white labels in full colour sleeve.
release date
Early to mid 1980s
4/10 (La Salle Mutualite, Paris, France: 8th March 1983)
additional information
On the 8th March 1983, the New Gold Tour reached France and the band could be
found at La Salle Mutualite in the capital. The set-list had settled down and the band was comfortable with the tracks and their arrangements.
Absolutely Live is a slice of this concert, chopping the opening tracks (King Is White And In The Crowd and
Glittering Prize) and truncating the finale (New Gold Dream (81,82,83,84),
Love Song and Sweat In Bullet). What remains
is the poorly recorded centre portion of the performance with fluctuating volumes, clipped high tones and varying degrees of clarity.
Not the best of bootlegs and best avoided.