A Blast From The Future!! Lostboy AKA!
This edition’s exclusive interview and featured artist is
legendary Simple Minds front man Jim Kerr with the release
of one of the most highly anticipated solo projects of 2010.
Having enjoyed a successful career with Simple Minds for
over 30 years, Jim now has a collection of his own songs.
From the influences and inspirations that paved the path for
one of the most influential bands in history, Jim created an
alter ego Lostboy! AKA to perform and compose songs
which recreate the inspiration and the desire he felt as a
frustrated young musician.
As with all songs that Jim has written over the years, to
find the true essence of any song is to play it live and that
same ethos is transpired to Lostboy AKA. I caught up with
Jim to find out what is behind this build up of songs that
have been drifting around with him for all these years and
why now! Talking from Nice in the South of France a
relaxed Jim Kerr, confidently talks about the past, present
and the future, with a great insight on how this relentless
creative spirit, keeps on rising!
JS: Jim, who is this Lostboy character?
JK: I wanted to do something that took me back to the
beginning, I have felt for a while now that I have some kinda
unfinished business to attend to, it’s been burning for a wee
while and more so recently. I had this feeling that this would
happen some day but never knowing when and even more
so if there would be a right time! I have, over the years
found a way to revisit the past, which I'm totally ok with. I
have been blessed with a great career with Simple Minds
and that story has many chapters still to write, but at the
moment I have the creative bug that’s burning brighter than
ever before. It’s hard to contain sometimes, I love song
writing passionately and for some reason I really fancied a
new approach to music. Call it a fresh start and the
realisation of doing something without a history. A fresh
look kinda revitalised me in a way I had never thought
possible. As for the timing of this, it just felt right to do this
now and since that realisation everything seems to be
falling in place. The feeling that brings is great and so far
so good!
JS: Why has Lostboy come to see the light in 2010?
JK: It just felt right to get immersed into this now, a few
reasons & some bizarre coincidences. The time felt right
and I really wanted to do this without a safety net, no
parachute! The music has to stand up on its own merits. As
with Simple Minds all songs are born to be played live and
that’s the ultimate test for a good song to a truly great song. I
am also surrounded by a great dedicated bunch of
people who I love working with. Without that I suppose
it would be a different feeling and would I still be doing
this? I don’t know! I wanted it to be part of a different
story. The Simple Minds sound track is constantly
evolving but does there have to be only one story? Is
that how my life is meant to be? I don’t think so! I
thought a lot about that, after the 30th anniversary tour, it
hit me more than I would ever have contemplated. It is
good to go back and have a look at the past but you
need to find and live that balance - the future is the
place we’re going now!
Another major factor is the recording/music business
itself. This wouldn’t have been possible a few years
ago as we have always been tied into some contract
where you can't do this or can't do that. The thing that I
disliked the most is the way it was structured, it was a
case of doing only one project at a time. There are so
many bands and artists that have numerous projects on
the go and I always like the idea of that artistically and it
keeps life interesting.
As a musician I find myself constantly looking for that
creative pot of gold! It's the same with Simple Minds -
on a few occasions I felt we‘d found it! But even so
there is so much still to be discovered!
Simple Minds are also having a wee bit of time out at
that moment and apart from a few gigs down under, I
had the time to look at Lostboy AKA plus the raw
excitement and positive reaction to the demos! All
roads just led to where I am now!
JS: Why the name Lostboy AKA? Wouldn’t Jim Kerr suffice?
JK: Good question, I felt a Jim Kerr album wouldn’t be
as challenging and maybe looked upon as predictable. I
wanted to create a character born out of frustration and
eagerness and to create an entity all on its own. I
wanted to emphasise on what I had within that needed
to break out - a person consumed within a person! The
idea of going back to when I was a kid and trying to find
a way to communicate with the desire to succeed and
elaborate on so many influences that contributed to my
career, a kinda path I would have taken if Simple Minds
had never of happened. Lostboy is a part of me within
me! Call it an alter ego!
JS: Describe the music Jim - will the Lostboy sound be similar to Simple Minds?
JK: Of course there will be some characteristics the
same, I have sung with Simple Minds for years and my
voice is still the same. Charlie Burchill has always
played a major part to the Simple Minds sound, live and
on record, and of course all the other musicians we
have played with over the years. The instant connection
of my voice will be there but there is a new originality
to the music, a lot more space, and by using different
musicians the whole thing has a very different feel to it.
If there were any references to Simple Minds it would
be only in the very early days. Jez Coad plays guitar on
the album and it has a completely different approach
and vibe to it. Jez also produced the album and he is a
very talented producer.
JS what can we expect with Lostboy AKA Live?
JK: Lostboy AKA live is what I am looking forward to
the most. The level of musicianship I have immerged
myself into is exceptional and the set is going to be full
of energy and passion. Lostboy AKA kicks off on the 21st
May in Aberdeen; Glasgow the following night, down to
London on the 23rd and there is also going to be a
handful of European dates to follow shortly. We’re
playing tiny intimate clubs which I always like. It also
takes me back to the beginning, with Simple Minds -
what better way to start the ball rolling in a tiny club
with everyone going nuts!
We also intend to play some very rare Simple Minds
songs have never been played live before. We are still
working on them now but I can promise all the Lostboy
gigs will be very special nights indeed; I would love to
take "Lostboy! AKA" around the world. These small
intimate gigs are just the start of things to come and
that’s a promise!
She Fell In Love with Silence
Return of the King
Red Letter Day
Remember Asia
Bulletproof Heart
Nail Through My Heart
Soloman Solohead
The Wait Parts 1+2
The album "Lostboy! AKA" will be released on May
17, 2010
For more information on Lostboy AKA please visit
www.lostboyaka.com for live dates, news and of
course to buy the album.
The music has the same energy you would expect
with anything from Jim Kerr - innovative, creative
and full of emotion. The whole collection of songs
has such a futuristic feel, it’s like nothing you have
heard before. This album is not about the past, it’s a
glimpse into future, which incidentally, is now!!
Jamie Sinclair
What's On South Devon, April 2010